Thursday, April 3, 2014

I live for me and only me. I'm the only one who can live my life. Why live for someone else if they're not willing to die for me????? I'm my own motivation. To me I'm the only thing worth living for. Would a place, thing or another person care about my existence? I THINK NOT!

In today's video ...

My observations were:
1) His family was very supportive.
2) He was still the same person.
3) He's trying to help others with the same problem.

Questions I have:
1) What did they first think when this tragedy occurred?
2) Does he ever have thoughts of death?

My emotions:
1) this is very sad and its amazing how he still makes the best of life.

What inspired Jean-Dominique Bauby to write a memoir?
Is Jean-Dominique Bauby still the editor of Elle Magazine?

In my quick write I said that I'm the only person work living for and many fail to agree with me. Some people actually live for others because they keep they're feeling in mind which is a very nice thing to do. I guess others are way more compassionate then me. If I had to pick something or someone worth living for it would be my sister and my brother. Other than that I still think I'm the only thing worth living for to myself.

1 comment:

  1. Very honest reflection. Again, proofread. Readers DO judge you by your writing conventions.
